• nausea
  • small cough
  • inability to get enough air
  • sometimes abdominal pain
  • confusion and forgetting things that just happened
  • terror / panic and feeling like I’m falling
  • overwhelming sense of doom
  • hyper real
  • bowels empty suddenly and completely
  • blood pressure raises significantly
  • memory loss
  • hallucinations
I was only going to wear this for two weeks but it has been insightful.

Over the trips to the ER my vital signs have become better. Blood pressure improved, oxygen saturation improved, glucose improved (maybe slightly), weight has improved because I’ve been on the diet, tracking calories and going to the gym. What hasn’t changed is the seizures and they’ve become much worse and much more often so that I don’t recovery between seizure sets. And I don’t get just one seizure, they come in like hiccups and you know how when you get hiccups once you’re set up to get them again and then again and maybe you spend three days with hiccups on and off? I do that but with seizures.

This is making it difficult to be at the gym and eat properly because I don’t sleep and have no appetite.

The ER recommended Benedryl. I asked for a benzo or something to help knock back the seizures until I could get in to see the primary but they refused. Benedryl is not recommended for seizures because it lowers the seizure threshold but I guess it’s what I have from OTC. I can get fentanyl anywhere in my neighborhood but God forbid I have .5 mg of clonezepam for seizures or worse – antibiotics for infection. What’s the use of our healthcare system I wonder sometimes. There is probably an infection or something under the surface causing these issues. I did have a shadow on my lung that they said should be promptly looked into but was probably nothing.