The transients are back! New people. New dogs. New chaos. More Drugs.

What do you see? I see a turn key home! A drug recreation center and a night life hub! Bring your own trash and move in!
I think these mother fuckers could get closer to my fenceline…I feel like at that two-inch distance they don’t like me! They did this on purpose btw – it wasn’t an oops. They told some of my other neighbors, “I told them to park that right on the fence line to piss them off!”

Well, the deer and raccoons had finally started to come back to my yard and peace had settled over the entire neighborhood. No more stray dogs chewing up stuff and shitting in the yard and growling and trying to bite and no more people going up and down to the crack shack all day long. Well, round about yesterday evening a truck pulls up with the whole back end just full of trash. Rubish, old rotten wood, bags of trash and misc. garbage. We thought they were illegally dumping – turns out, they were moving in. Mmmm – fresh garbage to roll around in!

Soon every animal was heading away from the park, the noise started up, people were yelling, motors were revving, the hood on the van went up as they, “tried to jump start it” somehow, with magic I guess… but they do repetitive actions, and I’ve seen them “jump start” vehicles at least a thousand times now and have never seen it work once. (Epic collection of old car batteries sitting out in the grass – that’s okay right?)

My neighbor across the street is on disability and taking care of her elderly mother and the double wide trailer next to her is now home to squatters. The crack house brings in criminals. These aren’t poor down on the luck pious. We have down on the luck people in the neighborhood, damn, one of my neighbors has stomach cancer which is brutal – cancer is fucking terrible. I told ’em, you need something call, will go pick you up groceries or cook a meal, or clean your house, just let someone know you have friends here. That’s because this is a good neighborhood. My other neighbor helped me son take out a problem tree and I gave a bunch of extra garden plants I had away to everyone. It’s a good place but damn they won’t enforce the law, and it’s really festering.

“He never worked and he never will…let him ride that railroad Bill”

-John Jackson Front Porch Blues LP

Anyway that’s neither here nor there. City blocked action on it indefinitely, but I have a feeling that it will work out maybe if for no other reason than people like that tend to self-destruct and wander off after awhile.

Assassination Attempt

so cinematic.

But God raised Him from the dead, releasing Him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for Him to be held in its clutches.

Acts 2:24