Wakako – Her tail is epic

The weather is better this week and I went on 3 bicycle rides around the park on the mountain bike.

I’m feeling weak and flimsy and going up hill I find it quite difficult to breathe and not in the way you huff and puff as a kid upon exertion but the way you wheeze when you’ve gotten old and have health problems, the kind of wheezing that is made worse with exercise and never improves. hmm

I cancelled the Duathlon, I didn’t show up to the trail run, so the last thing I need to flake out on is a 10k. Amen.

Dieting while I feel so weak and sick isn’t working out.

I can’t eat so many things anyway. For supper I had cabbage soup with veggies, some pretzels, and green drink. I had four thin mint cookies, those were good.

Besides writing and art which I can still sorta do, I don’t know if I should even keep up this blog. Progress might just be staying alive in a world where people keep dying. I think the rona and the rona ‘cure’ may have weakened a lot of hearts / respiratory systems.

I started taking B12 Energy packet from the NOW company and it’s amazing. Within minutes I have incredible energy. Along with a bottle of other B vitamins, I’m hoping to improve my health status. Or at least I’ll have energy to go outside maybe?

My tomato plants are getting big.

Sorry to be down. I really hope next week will be better.

Wakako had to go to the vet this week and get spay and it was a positive experience at least for the humans. It was far different from Oswald.