My cat has lost most of his fur due to dipping his whiskers into some 9Lives canned cat food. He’s severely gluten intolerant. 9 Lives contains whole wheat. Vet said it was some kind of invisible infection with turbo fleas. For some fucking reason I believed that, wow, “impressive how he has no fur and I still can’t see fleas” <- I can be a huge idiot. I grew up on a homestead. I grew up with dozens of cats. I am very familiar with flea infestations and this cat doesn’t have fleas. Period. “impressive how he has had a flea shot + Advantage 2 faithfully applied and not been horribly poisoned to death” I mean ,”still has fleas.” Since when is smearing poisons on our pets a good fucking thing to do? I don’t know, it doesn’t make sense. I do it because I thought he had fleas. Whatever, I’m an idiot. I’ll keep him away from gluten, but for now, he has a $60 electric blanket and lots of love. It’s hard for him to stay warm, he’s missing a lot of fur and undercoat.

I’m gluten intolerant also. I make almost no effort to avoid gluten. I love pancakes. I also have a bad rash. Same as the cat, same reason too. And the bloody diarrhea … that might be the same reason. So trying to change things around.

It’s a variation of Medifast, a lot cheaper and easier though.

Today I’m doing the “One Day Diet

It’s like Medifast, protein every couple of hours but uses diluted shakes instead of meals which makes this cheaper (wish I had thought of that). Anyway, it’s been a pretty good book and just strange enough and out there enough to work. I’m only up to my noon protein water though. Stand by for results. If I stick with it. I’m weak. Again: too weak to avoid gluten. Too weak to figure out my kitty is gluten intolerant until he’s lost 70% of his fur because some authority figure said bla bla bla.

Since I get sick every time I eat so hoping this goes better.

I’m tired and I’m in a bit of a bad mood.

I tried regular whey but it doesn’t mix, so had to use Slimfast. It mixes, but it’s not ideal. Anyway, will keep on. Probably have a migraine incoming from this.

First big storm of the year rolled in last night on the 30th (Sunday Night), waves up to 27′ expected. People acting insane. The weather really effects people.