2.5 miles outside in park today. The migratory swifts have arrived which are beautiful and fun to watch.

Just started on cup #2 of black coffee — not that it will help. It won’t. I’m slightly better today and went outside for a “run” — joints including a toe joint are really at odds with me today and I’m just so bitterly exhausted it’s not even funny. I wasn’t able to run much *run one step, ouch! ouch* run / walk / run walk / ouch ouch ouch.

The elk were having a big snooze in the park

I don’t want to be depressed but after awhile of never feeling better a person has to start to wonder what the fucking point is.

Sometimes I feel like I would do best on a diet of Cokes and rice. Maybe some ramon noodles thrown in and a multi-vitamin. I just can’t digest heavy foods, or fiberous foods and it’s really fucking me over.

I believe in ‘meat heals’ but for me, it mostly gives me diverticulitis and gout.

note: Breathing better but back on iron supplements, which are a “joy” to take with a bad GI let me tell you. Iron is notorious for GI issues. Ugh. B12 is helping but … I don’t know, I’m wondering if I ate all refined carbs and soups with low-fat maybe I would honestly be better off. My GI is so injured slamming steak down my gullet is NOT working. I guess the chest pain and trouble breathing was low iron.