I have a nice little tea pot that makes the perfect amount of afternoon tea, or morning tea, or dessert tea…
I have insomnia and at 4am all I wanted is a coffee and to ride my bike.
I was the only American (I think) on the 4am Mt. Fuji ride. The ride is put on by Zwift and I believe is meant to help athletes prepare to actually ride up Mt. Fuji. It was a really awesome ride and I turned the chat on to see if I could make out any words and see how they were using language in chat. I’m too much of a novice to understand many Japanese words yet, but it was a great practice ride.
My cat was really worried today, I left the house twice. When I got up at 4am, he followed me to the other room and sat on the chair while I pedaled. He is so sweet. I worry about him too, he’s over ten now and has had injuries and misadventures over the years. I wish he could settle into being a full time house cat. The new neighbor has a little female striped mackerel tabby and he sits with her a lot of times in the morning. They seem to get along well.
The sun is up finally and I have the wash going and kitchen picked up. I have a run scheduled today for the park *yawn* so I better get after it. It’s nice to be feeling better.
11:11 a.m After outdoor bike ride to Battery Russel for a Scheduled 1 Mile Run — My list of irrational fears that go through my head when I leave the house:
- Really scared of Elk, they weigh 600-800lbs each and sometimes they just get in a mood and feel like they want to stomp something to death. You. Your CAR. Your bike. Your dog. Your Cat. Your Garden. They’re unpredictable at times and they smell BAD. They’re okay from afar. There were around 20 of them laying down beside the gate this morning, I was within 10ft of them and it was sketchy.
- Getting jumped by a drifter, meth head, drunk or rapist or all of the above. This has happened to me, and it was scary
- Looking very stupid — Oh man, I’ve had this happen in the biggest ways loads of times. I usually feel like I look stupid anytime I exercise. I’m pretty sure this is true.
- Being chased by other wild animals, minimal fear but have been chased by a skunk, a stote, dogs etc.
- Bike shaming. I have a steel framed used bike, I worry people will make fun of it. (hasn’t happened yet)
- Getting bit by a dog off leash. (hasn’t happened yet)
- Having a bike wreck or my bike break down (not yet…)
- Getting sick while out or injured in the middle of nowhere (yup)
- Being hit by a car while on my bike, or getting run off the trail by inconsiderate people (ran off the trail a few times)
- Getting in fight with random person (inexplicably yeah…)
- Accidentally making someone cry (yeah…I ran faster than her, to have someone as fat, old, greasy and awful as me to finish a full 15 minutes ahead of her…omg, it was too much! Insert tears…awkwardness…and also, I came in 20+ minutes ahead of her, I fudged my time so she wouldn’t feel bad.)
- Tsunami and / or Earthquake (not yet)
- Someone dying near me while I’m out — possibly, I mean, I’ve seen some strange things especially with people walking into an ice cold ocean. I figure they uh’ weren’t trying too hard to live.
- Being photographed, video taped and put online to be made fun of — yeah that has happened to me. I had someone follow me in a truck and take a video of me. I assumed it was probably posted online idk.
- Being mistaken as someone looking for heroin – this happened a lot before I changed my route.
- Tree falling on me, hasn’t happened but legit hazard
- Being stuck in the woods when there is a fire and not knowing which way the fire is coming from so I don’t know if I’m running into it or away from it. Has happened a few times.
- Drowning because I misjudge the tide or don’t keep an eye out.
The one fear I don’t have: ghosts.
I’ve had a lot of stuff happen but I’ve been running here for over ten years so… I mean, given the time span a few things have happened. I wish I didn’t have the fear though, I wish I could shrug it off.
I’ve had a lot of cool things happen too — today a toddler challenged me to a race. It wasn’t really fair since they were in galoshes — but if the kid changes their shoes it is on.
It was raining when I left with an ice cold wind, but by the time I started running the sun was out and it felt warm! Doing run / walk drills until my strength and health improves. Also I have a bad knee so running is a little limited atm.