Mid-March already, the Skunk Cabbage is in bloom. Bees are out. Birds are nesting. The daffodils are putting on a show. I can’t decide what in the world I am doing with my fitness right now. I have 50 things I want to do and no order to it at all — change is in the air.

I walked the trail yesterday, but annual fees for the park have skyrocketed! Ouch! I was able to buy a parking pass for a fair price so I hope that will work out for me. It was beautiful out there and I wanted to run! Especially after my daisy sweat shirt attracted bees.

Soon we’ll have spider season back and without even realizing it I’ll start avoiding the shop again. There are seasons to everything.

Japanese Drink Import – Pocari Sweat, now sitting in my living room. Husband is going to do the taste test soon, lol