I put them in the back of Jason’s car and tried to get rid of everything sweet / sugary. My weight is up to 187.6 which is the heaviest I’ve ever seen on the scale.

I was in the shop again this morning. Hasfit and Yoga before coming inside and falling back to sleep as I don’t feel well today.

I might sleep in tomorrow and ride Zwift instead of the shop as I’m still very sore. Also I haven’t been sleeping very well. Sugar / Caffeine = I don’t sleep well. I’ve been leaning into both to try and keep up with life lately. I’m behind on my Japanese lessons.

I’m using Pimsleur, WaniKani and I just received a textbook that I haven’t had time to look at.

I usually dream about Japan now and being there. I used to just dream about the past and everyone I knew who had died, it was getting crowded, they’re a rowdy bunch those ghosts and it was rough waking up to those memories. I enjoy dreaming about Japan more. I think if I went to Japan I would like to visit Hokkaido prefecture which is in Northern Japan.

I have perfected ‘poolish’ crust pizza to where it really is delicious, so next up I hope to work on my Ramon Noodle bowl.

I’m trying to come up with a good diet strategy to drop unwanted weight. I guess hiding Skittles is my first step. My husband gets exceedingly cranky when I get rid of the junk food.
